stage 5.0 Home

Never more

"Why? I don't understand the significance..."

You hear the voice of the mysterious stranger obviously trying to comprehend the noise. Deciding to put him out of his misery, you gently tap on the door. Startled, he gives a jump.

"Oh it's you! Did you follow me? I'm glad you did. I need someone to help me, and I saw your aptitude at solving puzzles earlier. Just the kind of person I need."

Embarrassed that you were noticed earlier, you resolve to never follow someone in such a fashion again but seem to be stuck with this job now.

"Let me fill you in, bring me that book over there."

As you turn to the bookshelf, the vague instruction gives no suggestion as to which of the numerous volumes is being referred to. Nevertheless, a recently disturbed book catches your eye. As you pull it from the shelf, two slips of paper wedged between them fall out and land at your feet.

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