stage 3.0 Home


As you call out to the mysterious figure to give him back his paper, he profusely thanks you again. Having now noticed that he has lost a significant portion of his documents, he gives an exclamation which is quickly dismissed. "Oh no! Oh well, I have them all on my Dropbox anyway."

As he pulls out his phone to check, you are momentarily distracted by the only other occupants of the train who have suddenly started to have an argument.

"Hey, watch it!"
"Don't tell me that, who do you think it belongs to anyway..."

Unamused, you turn back to your new companion. Curious as to why he is in such a hurry, you surreptitiously peek at what he his looking at by staring at the reflection in the window.

31 6B 7A 6A 36 77 64 4A 75 79 51

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