stage 2.0 Home


Intrigued by the identity of the individual and rather curious as to what he has down, you begin to read the continuation of the story but an ad for the Game Masters Exhibition quickly diverts your attention. Having heard that it was rather good, you've been meaning to go but have kept forgetting. Seeing that it was due to close in a week and that the ticket cost was now only $10, thoughts of the article are quickly forgotten.

Seeing that is still offline, and with no ladder to take your mind off things, you decide that today would be an excellent time to re-discover the strange concept known as sunlight. Checking the Public Transport app on your phone, you see a train conveniently timed to depart your station soon. Shoving the now burnt toast in your mouth, you leave the house and hurry towards the station.

As you board, you see another figure running towards the train, shouting "wait, wait! I can't be late, hold the train for me!" whilst trailing a bag which is quickly losing much of it's contents. Despite the dated sign from the "Don't Hold Others Back" campaign on the side of the carraige, the almost deserted carriage causes you to hold the door open (made much easier by the fact that once again the ancient trains which still have a door handle are running on your line).

As he rushes on, he pants out a puffed "oh thank you, thank you". Clearly oblivious to the fact that his bag is considerably lighter than when he started (or perhaps it was a deliberate attempt to shed weight?), he moves off to find a seat and yet another piece of paper has fallen out. As you pick it up to give it back, you see printed upon it a series of numbers.

26 7 7 68 52 95

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